Home Education and Events “Women and Wine” Masterclass

“Women and Wine” Masterclass

Wine has always accompanied the development of human civilization. Both during history and in the wine of the ocean, women have played a crucial role in the development of all aspects of wine. Today, brands from all countries and wine producing regions are increasingly focused on women. There is little doubt that women will continue to play an important role in the future of China's wine industry.

ProWine China 2017’s "Women and Wine" masterclass is co-chaired by Guo Minghao and Miao Xiangbo, who both share the topic: Women’s Influence on The History of Wine, Women Role and Influence in Today's Wine Industry, and Market Overview of Wine Consumption of Women in China, finally offering a wine tasting designed for the preferences of women.

Please Note: This master class is only for female attendees! Only for female attendees! Only for female attendees! (Important details are repeated three times!) In addition, the participation of friends, will also have the opportunity for an autographed copy of by Guo Minghao's latest, "HISTORY OF WINE DEVELOPMENT"

Wine list:

Delphine REVILLON 白中白 2008年份香槟(100%霞多丽)-蕾丝包装

Ladies Who Shoot Their Lunch 2015年份(设拉子)

Vinoptima Estate Reserve Gewurztraminer 

August Eser Oestrich Lenchen Kabinett 2015 年份浪琴园特级园小房级雷司令半甜白葡萄酒(100%雷司令-VDP Grosse Lage)

Craftwork Pinot Noir 2009 - 艺美庄园黑品诺
